My background
Welcome to my workshop.I handcraft top quality knives for hunting and leisure activities.Each knife is handmade by me personally, and all of them are fitted with a hand forged blade, made by some of the best knife smiths in Denmark, Norway and Sweden.Each knife and sheath is made individually, making all of them unique.Because I know all of my knives in every detail, I offer a lifetime guarantee on all of them.
I have been making knives since 1985. What got me started was a trip to Sami-land in the northern part of Norway, where I was first introduced to Sami handicraft tradition. The magnificent landscape of Finnmark, the caribou, the midnight sun and the ancient Sami traditions are all present in their handicraft products. Especially in their knives, to which I immediately lost my heart. It was a great delight for me to meet one of the very best knife makers in Norway, Johan Rist, who introduced me in his quiet manner to the soul of the Sami handicraft. The harmony and calm simplicity, which characterize Johan’s work are flection of the surrounding nature and the life he lives in the Finnmark south of Kautokeino. Naturally I bought one of Johans beautiful knives, and it has been with me ever since.

The knife I bought from Johan Rist.
In the years since I have made knives using many styles, but I always come back to the types, that dominate this homepage. Knives that are not too big, not too heavy, with relatively short blades, and without superficial decoration. I believe, that this kind of knife corresponds to the needs 95 % of all of us have. After all, not too many people need a survival knife with built-in compass, tool box and flare, or need a machete to clear a road through the jungle, and decorative knives have a habit of hanging above some collectors fireplace, instead of being used for what they are made for. Which is being a loved and very personal tool, that will serve it’s owner the rest of his life.
It is not only the Sami knife art that has inspired me, but indeed the Norwegian and Swedish knife tradition as well. Denmarks neighbouring countries are fortunate in having an uninterrupted and very active knife tradition, which seems to have blossomed more than ever in recent years. In Denmark however, we lost our tradition of making and carrying knives back in the 19th century. That is why many of my knives contain elements from these countries. For example, my sheaths are made of leather, which isn’t tanned all the way through, meaning that the sheath becomes very stiff and sturdy after drying. The belt-strap in the picture which is found on most of my knives, originated a long time ago, from Gudbrandsdalen in Norway. The belt-strap is simply weaved into holes in the sheath, while it is wet, and when dry, it is impossible to pull out. It is a simple and elegant method, which makes it possible to assemble sheath and belt-strap without sewing or riveting

I am fascinated by the relationship between function, design and materials. I have found a lot of inspiration in Norway and Sweden, and, in particular knifemakers like Aasmund Voldbakken have meant a lot to me. He has proved that a beautiful knife doesn’t need to be luxuriously decorated, but rather is the result of function, design and materials, harmonizing to make the knife and sheath appear as one.